6 paddle-boarding laws in the UK that you may not know about
Did you know, under UK Maritime Law, stand-up paddle boards are classed as recreational beach gear or small sea vessels?
Recreational beach gear – inflatable or stand-up paddle board less than 3.5m long
Small sea vessel – a hard stand-up paddle board, longer than 3.5m
In the sea
- If you are using a paddle board which is classed as recreational beach gear, you must keep within 300m of the shore.
- Priority is determined by the craft that has the most manoeuvrability, paddle boarders must give way to vessels such as sailboats that can’t manoeuvre as quickly as a paddle boarder.
On the river
- Priority is determined by size of the crafts. Therefore, paddle boarders must give way to boats which are larger than 15m.
- When assessing priority between two paddle boarders, a paddle board approaching from the right-hand side has priority.
- If you come face-to-face with another paddle boarder, you must pass on the left of the paddle boarder
- In the UK, you are required to hold a license to travel on most waterways, by paddling on rivers and other protected waterways without a license, you risk receiving a hefty fine. You can purchase a British Canoeing membership here, which includes a license.
- If paddle boarding in the sea, avoid offshore winds – download an app called Windy to keep track of the weather
- Wear a lifejacket or buoyancy aid
- Go out paddle boarding with a friend or in a group – it is more fun but also you have support if you do get into any danger
- Avoid swimmers!!!
- Download the app ‘what three words’ in case you get into difficulty. This app provides you with three words which you can quote to emergency services and they will be able to locate you.
- Think about carrying accessories – a whistle, pen knife, torch and a change of clothes
And most importantly… enjoy!